Monday, September 26, 2011

Another new job

Since my last post, I have now accepted *another* new job--it's a contract position for the government, but it is regular, full time with benefits, which was a step more secure than the temporary non-benefited position I had been in.  I'm not sure when I will begin the new position due to the background check, but hopefully it will be soon.  I was hoping it would be before the end of this week, but now I'm not sure how realistic that is.

My husband started a new job in late July, but unfortunately the job is is on the other side of Denver from where we live.  His commute is horrible.  As such, we started looking for a house that was closer to his work; we found one in August, and we are having a structural engineer look at it today.  If the basement and foundation check out, we might put in an offer.

I have achieved my goal of publishing a novel, and I am set to have two more out by the end of this year.  I'm a little surprised that the book is actually selling, and not just to friends and family.  I did publish it under a pen name, so anyone reading this who wants further details will have to email me.


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