Sunday, May 31, 2009

Why I picked Blogger

Someone asked me a question today about blogs, and why I use Blogger...

One of the primary differences between Blogger and Wordpress is the use of pages and widgets. In Wordpress, you can create static pages easily; in Blogger, you cannot--you need to do some backend legwork to get static pages going. However, Blogger makes it easier to install widgets (like the tag cloud at the top of this page, the count down on the right, or The Impossible Quiz at the bottom) because you have more access to your HTML; this requires more legwork in Wordpress.

The reason I choose Blogger is that I am very attached to my widgets and layouts. I like to mess with my site code and install a new toy every so often. It's my dogma that a personal webpage should be like one's home: decorated to suit one's personality.

For me, new blogs are like your first college apartment. At first, the walls are all white and you feel a little lonely and lost. As time goes on, you meet a few people who have done things to spice up their bland college caves with lava lamps and posters, and you start to do the same. Soon you're taping posters over posters, you've got a batik sarong tent around your bed, and you've figured out how to cook a can of beans on the heater in the corner. It's bright and filled with color, and it's become a space you're comfortable being. Because you've made it your own, other people like being there, too, and you're not so lost anymore. :)

These are some of my favorite sites for decorating around a blog in addition to some of my own tricks:

pyzam -- this is a great place for finding Blogger layouts to inspire you.

widgetbox -- a great place for finding games and other little add-ons for your site.

free flash toys -- I like this one mostly for the counters you can make there, but the full page pets are fun too.

phydeaux3 -- This is the best place I've ever found for a good blogger tag cloud; weeding through the HTML can be intimidating at first, but don't be scared. You can always revert back to a basic template if you muddle things this first time around. Your blog layout is for playing with--don't be afraid to do so!

I apologize for the popups generated by any of these sites, but dealing with advertisements is the way you get things for free online. Also, most of these sites are aimed at Blogger. To expand my own horizons I'm going to experiment with Wordpress some time this week and see what it's about since the latest updates.

P.S. If anyone in my class stumbles on this post, and is still feeling lost, I'd be happy to help you put up some posters so you're happier being in your new online home. :)


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